Practice Cancelled Nov 24

Dear HRSSC Families,
With the provincial health authority announcing new restrictions on gatherings and organized sport in Tantallon and the HRM region, we are going to follow the spirit of the measures and cancel practice tonight (November 24th).
We are still assessing the rest of the provincial measures and will work with our partners at SMC and Speed Skate NS to determine what this means for the rest of the Fall season. More information will be sent to you soon. We are sorry to disappoint our skaters and families, as we all look forward to our speed skating practice together but hopefully, we will be helping to ensure that we are all able to get together for more than speed skating in the weeks to come.
With thanks and appreciation to the notes of support today, and to the members in our club who are front line health care workers, teachers, and caregivers in their families for young and old for helping to keep us all healthy and safe.