January 13th update

Good Morning HRSSC Families,
News and events to share as we head into a soggy Friday and the forecasted weekend too.    Stay tuned for additional updates.
Please review the information and attachments below:  

  • Saturday long track practice 
  • Sunday Morning Races Series
  • Level One Officials Clinic 
  • SSC Town Hall 

Check in if you have any questions – we are happy to assist and provide any additional information.Your HRSSC Team 

SATURDAY LONG TRACK PRACTICEThe weather forecast for Friday to Saturday unfortunately does not look promising for our long track practice at the Oval.    Practice is TENTATIVE and will be dependent on ice conditions, rain, wind and whether the Oval is open.   We will share an update later today.    Please also check the HRM Oval website

SUNDAY MORNING RACES SERIESWe have received this week’s announcement for our second SSNS Sunday Morning Races series.    REGISTRATION CLOSES ON SATURDAY 14 JANUARY at 2pm Open to all ages.    Distances include:

  • Younger skaters – 100m and 500m MS
    • MS = Mass Start race with 3 – 6 skaters on the line
  • Older skaters – 500m and 1500m OS
    • OS  = Olympic Style race with 2 – 4 skaters in a dedicated lane
  • For reference, the Oval is a 400m track

If you are available to VOLUNTEER, please submit your name, contact email, and interest in volunteering (specify a role or general interest)    THANK YOU!
COACHES – Please submit the registration poll to be added to the contact list.   THANKS!
On Jan 12, 2023, at 2:45 PM, Brent Thompson <brent.speedskating@gmail.com> wrote:Dear Club and SSNS Board Members,
We will continue the Sunday Morning Racings Series this weekend Sunday, January 15th at 0800am.
Please share this registration link with your membership.
DEADLINE TO REGISTER IS SATURDAY AT 2PMThe weather forecast for Friday night and Saturday is wet and mild.  The oval may recover overnight on Saturday.  Please check the oval website before heading out.
Brent Thompson

LEVEL ONE OFFICIALS CLINICSpeed Skating Nova Scotia is pleased to offer a Level One Officials Clinic in conjunction with the upcoming SSNS Atlantic Long Track Championships on 21-22 January. The clinic will be a combination of in-person overview of long track and short track speed skating on Friday 20 January combined with practical experience at the ALTC.    **It is a great opportunity if you have already had practical experience at any our Citadel Cups and interest in officiating in any capacity – it is a very accessible and information clinic.**  Please do not hesitate to ask any questions.     SPACE IS LIMITED – PLEASE SIGN UP SOON.Follow the REGISTRATION LINK for more details: 
On Jan 12, 2023, at 5:52 PM, Brent Thompson <brent.speedskating@gmail.com> wrote:Speed Skating Nova Scotia is offering a Level One Officials’ Clinic on January 20th, 2023 from 6pm to 8:30pm.
To register please CLICK HERE

Please share this with your membership
Brent ThompsonSpeed Skating Nova Scotia ODCSpeed Skating Canada Referee

SSC TOWN HALL Speed Skating Canada will be hosting their second Club Town Hall on Wednesday 18 January 8:30 – 9:30pm ADT.  All of welcome to attend.  Register in advance.Please find below:

  • Invitation and registration
  • Agenda
  • Slideshow and recording from Town Hall #1 

Good morning PTSO colleagues – Please distribute the Club Town Hall invitation below to the club contacts within your province or territory. Thank you for your collaboration. Merci!  Dear speed skating club leaders, We are pleased to invite you to Speed Skating Canada’s next Club Town Hall, taking place on Wednesday, January 18 from 7:30 to 8:30 pm ET. The Club Town Hall series was conceived to connect national office staff with our speed skating community across the country. These quarterly sessions provide a regular opportunity for information, collaboration, and two-way feedback at all levels of speed skating in Canada. 

The agenda for this upcoming Club Town Hall is attached.Participants must register for the Club Town Hall in advance. Upon registering, you will receive a link to the Zoom meeting by email. A minimum of one representative from each club is encouraged to join us for this important information session. The session will be recorded for any clubs who are unable to attend. If you have any questions about this initiative, please reach out to Kaitlan Cook (Manager, Member Development). Best regards, 

 Chers dirigeants des clubs de patinage de vitesse, Nous sommes heureux de vous inviter à la prochaine Assemblée publique des clubs de Patinage de vitesse Canada, qui aura lieu le mercredi 18 janvier de 19h30 à 20h30 HE. La série d’Assemblées publiques des clubs a été conçue pour connecter le personnel du bureau national avec notre communauté de patinage de vitesse à travers le pays. Ces séances offrent une occasion régulière d’échange d’informations, de collaboration et de rétroaction bidirectionnelle à tous les niveaux du patinage de vitesse au Canada. 

L’ordre du jour de cette prochaine Assemblée publique des clubs se trouve ci-joint.Les participants doivent s’inscrire à l’avance à l’Assemblée publique des clubs. Lors de votre inscription, vous recevrez un lien vers la réunion Zoom par courriel. Un minimum d’un représentant de chaque club est encouragé à se joindre à nous pour cette importante séance d’information. La séance sera enregistrée pour les clubs qui ne pourraient pas y assister. Si vous avez des questions sur cette initiative, veuillez contacter Kaitlan Cook (Gestionnaire, développement des membres). Meilleures salutations, Nicole Espenant (she/her/elle)Director, Business & Member Development |Directrice, développement des affaires et des membresEnespenant@speedskating.caspeedskating.ca |patinagedevitesse.ca