Welcome to another week of Speed Skating!
Practices again will be at the usual times and places this week.
Sunday Races
This Sunday morning, February 9th, 2020 from 0900 to 1030 has been set aside for in the schedule for informal racing. Racing will commence as soon as the track markers can be laid down (approximately 0907am)
The deadline for registering for racing is 2pm on Saturday Feb 8th, 2020 If you are interested in participating as a racer or a volunteer official please complete the doodle poll link below:
Upcoming MeetsThe registration deadline for the Fifth Annual Oval Meltdown is this Friday, Feb 9, at 6pm. Registration is online at https://speedykids.ca/fifth-annual-oval-meltdown/.
The competition will be held the weekend of Feb 15-16, with events scheduled between 7am and 1pm each day. Skaters can register for just one day of racing if they like, and new skaters who are not yet members of clubs (ideal for siblings and friends!) can participate by registering in the “Special Event – Competition” category with SSNS. The competition is suitable for skaters of all ages and abilities and wraps up on Sunday with a pizza party for participants and their families.
The Dartmouth Crossing Sprints will be taking place on February 29th. Registration link is below: http://www.dcspeedskate.ca/register-dartmouth-crossing-sprints.html