Good Tuesday morning speed skating enthusiasts. I hope everyone enjoyed the oval meltdown and had some quality downtime yesterday with family.
Practices will be at the same times and locations this week.
A reminder that the registration for the 2020 Dartmouth Crossing Sprints closes on February 19th. Full details are available on the link below.
Fundraising for ice rental:In order to offset the cost of ice rental, Anne is handing out tickets for the skaters to sell.The price per ticket is $2 and the club gets $1.50 per ticket sold! Please see her if you haven’t gotten any yet or if you need more.
Speed Skate Nova Scotia – SSNS is pleased to announce that a Level 1 Officials Clinic will be offered on Friday 28 February 6:30-9:30pm, and Saturday 29 February 29 4:00-5:30pm. The clinic will be held at the RBC Centre and will be instructed by Brent Thompson, Referee Level 3B. There will be opportunities to gain practical experience in conjunction with the Dartmouth Sprints Meet on Saturday 29 February 8:00am-3:30pm. The Level 1 Officials Clinic is designed to teach the role of each official in a speed skating competition, both long track and short track. The clinic will use video, practical demonstrations, informal discussion, and in-competition practical experience. The clinic is also useful for parents of new speed skaters and developing coaches to learn about the rules of the sport of speed skating and ask questions to a referee. There is no charge to the participants of the course, but please RSVP with your name and email contact information to by Wednesday, Feb 26th, 2020 so we can have an idea of numbers for refreshments and photocopying.