Hello HRSSC Families,
A few updates to share as we head into our speed skating week.
- Practices this week
- Sunday Morning Race Series at the Oval
- Dartmouth Sprints announcement and registration
- SSNS Social Media volunteers
PRACTICES THIS WEEKAll practices are set to go this week, and looking promising for long track too.
- Tuesday 6:00 – 9:00pm Short Track, St. Margaret’s Centre
- Wednesday 5:00 or 5:15 – 6:00pm Long Track, Halifax Oval
- Saturday 8:30am – 10:30am Long Track, Halifax Oval
- Full Group Schedule here
SUNDAY MORNING RACE SERIESSunday Morning Races are tentatively planned for this coming Sunday 12 February 8:00 – 10:30amLook out for more details later this week
Hi SSNS Clubs and Coaches,
Please see the message below from the Dartmouth Crossing Speed Skating Club re Sprints on March 4th!
Registration is now open at this link for the 2023 Dartmouth Crossing Sprints on March 4th:https://icereg.ca/#!/events/dartmouth-sprints-march-4th-2023Information about the meet is available on this page of our website:https://www.dcspeedskate.ca/2023sprints.htmlPlease forward this information to the clubs in Nova ScotiaThanksSheila_________________________________Sheila McGinnDartmouth Crossing Speed Skating Clubwww.dcspeedskate.ca
Do you love social media?? We are looking for 2 adults, 20 years or older. (Social media can be a lot for younger people and we’d rather not push any of our community of youth into spending more time surfing social media!)
Fei Gao has been doing a fantastic job feeding information and pictures to our Facebook community, so that account is great. Facebook, check! https://www.facebook.com/SpeedSkatingNS We don’t need anyone else for FB!
However, our Twitter account has been dormant since June 30, 2020. https://twitter.com/SpeedSk8NS
And our Instagram account has been quiet since November 5, 2022. https://instagram.com/speedskatingns
Is anyone interested in taking the lead on our SSNS Twitter and/or Instagram account?
It could be pretty simple. Just repost the stuff Fei has been sharing on Facebook!
Please respond to board@speedskatingns.ca