Hello HRSSC Families,A reminder that we do not have practice scheduled this evening.
If you have not completed your fall registration, please take a few minutes to do so at the link below and review these notes:
- Returning members will be able to login again and retrieve existing data to review, however Emergency Contact, Waivers and Consent need to be renewed
- New members will set up a new account and will receive a unique Speed Skating Canada SSC number
- When registering more than one family member, watch for the REGISTER ANOTHER PARTICIPANT option before heading to the cart
- PARENTS – Please register within your FAMILY ACCOUNT:
- VOLUNTEER – If you Volunteer in any capacity such as PRACTICE SUPPORT on and off the ice; TEAM MATS; and SPECIAL EVENTS
- SSNS and SSC have covered the costs of our Volunteer Memberships
- OFFICIAL – If you have completed a Level 1 or higher OFFICIALS COURSE and/or have OFFICIATED at one or more sanctioned events
- There is a small fee for Officials. If cost is a barrier, please let us know.
- Keeping this data accurate and up to date is required for our insurance coverage AND as helps us to secure additional resources and funding opportunities
- VOLUNTEER – If you Volunteer in any capacity such as PRACTICE SUPPORT on and off the ice; TEAM MATS; and SPECIAL EVENTS
- If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to check in and send an email to hfxspeedskating@gmail.com
Our ICEREG online registration link: https://icereg.ca/#!/events/halifax-regional-speed-skating-club-20212022THANK YOU!
Enjoy your weekend,Your HRSSC Team